Social Distancing
Stop the spread of Covid-19 by practicing social distancing and avoiding handshakes, hugs, and large crowds. Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 minutes. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
– Digital download.
– Scalable and editable vector graphics.
– PDF format (PDF/X-1A to be precise).
2 printable PDF files :
– 1 PDF in A2 (42 x 59.4 cm) which you can scale to other A-series paper sizes such as A1, A3, A4, A5.
– 1 PDF in 18 x 24″ which you can scale to other 3 x 4 ratio prints such as 12 x 16″, 9 x 12″, 6 x 8″ , 15 x 20 cm, 30 x 40 cm.
PRICE : $14